Sea2Cell positioned itself on the next food frontier by developing a unique technology to produce cultivated fish meat. Instead of raising fish in ponds or going fishing, the company will grow fish cells in huge tanks and make chunks of fish out of them. Due to the high demand, many fish species are in danger of extinction. Therefore, there is a huge business opportunity and, moreover, a real chance to save our oceans and make an enormous impact on the environment.


Dr. Orna Harel
CEO – Sea2Cell, Co-Founder
Dr. Harel is an accomplished executive with extensive experience in value creation for early-stage projects, including developing financing strategies and raising R&D fundings. Between 2013 and 2019 She served as the acting CEO of GAVISH Bio-applications Ltd., the Technology Transfer and commercialization arm of The Galilee Applied Research Institute (MIGAL).
Dr. Harel earned her PhD degree in Biology from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and was a postdoctoral fellow in the Cell Biology and Metabolism Branch at the NIH.

Prof. Berta Levavi-Sivan
Faculty of Agricultural, Food & Environment, HUJI, Co-Founder
Prof. Sivan a renowned expert in the aquaculture biotechnology, physiology, and molecular endocrinology of reproduction in ecologically and commercially important fish species, and in exogenous manipulation of finfish reproduction in relation to aquaculture and stock restoration. Prof. Sivan is the author and co-author of ~130 peer-reviewed scientific publications. In addition to Sea2Cell, Prof. Sivan is also the scientific founder of Aquinovo ltd. that develops proprietary materials to enhance fish growth.

Avishai Levy
Mr. Levy is an experienced manager and a business development professional specializing in establishing and managing technology companies in the areas of drug discovery, with specific vast experience in protein degradation. Mr. Levy academic records include an M.Sc., for research work done at the National Center for Mariculture, Eilat, under the Zoology Department of Tel Aviv University., Executive LL.M from the Northwestern law school Chicago IL, an LL.B degrees from Tel Aviv University and BSc, Agr. from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Pablo Resnik
VP BD, Roda International, Co-Founder
Pablo is a seasoned leader in the global seafood market. He is a top executive at Roda International, an entrepreneur and a tech evangelist. He is the leader behind creations such as Fishtech Awards,, VannameiTips and ChinaTips.
He is well known and respected globally. He specializes in creating business relationships between different seafood market stakeholders, including government, customs, importers, wholesalers, and retailers.

Dr. Itai Tzchori
Dr. Tzchori holds a PhD from the Zoology department of the Tel Aviv University and an M.Sc., for research work done at the National Center for Mariculture, Eilat, under the Zoology Department of Tel Aviv University and a B.Sc., in Life Science from the Agriculture Faculty of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He has an established experience in cell and gene therapy platforms for human diseases and animals. Dr. Tzchori was Head of R&D at Super Meat Israel, a company focusing on the development of avian (chicken) cultivated meat.